About Pinedale Elementary School

Pinedale Elementary School is located in Pinedale, Wyoming and serves students living in Pinedale, Boulder, Daniel, and Cora, Wyoming. Pinedale has historically been a small, rural, ranching community located next to the Wind River Mountains that supports an abundance of recreational activities. Over the past ten to fifteen years, oil and gas companies have moved into the community to harvest the natural gas in the surrounding areas. Because of this transition, the community and school are experiencing higher transient rates as families move in and out of the community and the ethnic diversity, which has always been very small, is beginning to increase.

Pinedale Elementary School has a long tradition of providing our students with a wide range of enrichment opportunities. For instance, the school and community supports a pull out science program for our 2nd through 5th grade students, and we have offered an enrichment program to our high performing 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students since 1982. Pinedale Elementary School offers a full complement of special classes to all students, which includes PE, art, music, and library, and many other quality programs are brought in to the school to support and enhance our adopted curriculums. In addition, during the 2012 - 2013 school year we implemented a 1:1 student to computer initiative in third, fourth, and fifth grade. During the 2013 - 2014 school year we were able to purchase carts of iPads for the primary grades to facilitate instruction and implementation of technology.

Pinedale Elementary School is a large school serving approximately 500 students from kindergarten through fifth grade. The school employs 69 staff members (43 certified and 26 classified) to support our educational programming. The ethnicity of the student population is fairly homogeneous; approximately 13% of our student population is made up of minority subgroups.